CAGE Code: 8DE24
Unique Entity ID: UFY5B7GGLNJ7

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! The materials we provide are compatible with your Fortus® 3D printers (360, 380, 400, 450, 900). Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about this.

The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act of 1975 (15 USC 2301) states, “A warrantor cannot require that only Branded parts be used with the product in order to retain the warranty. It is illegal for a company to refuse warranty work due to the use of third party products.” Please refer to this act and consult with your own legal team if you have further questions as Barricuda Steele does not intend to provide legal advice regarding this matter.

We offer a 100% guaranteed return policy.  In the event that you are not totally satisfied with your materials, they can be returned in their original packaging along with the EPROM chip within 15 days of receiving the item. We will provide you with a refund of the product cost (does not include shipping) within 30 days of receiving the product at Barricuda Steele.

Please see our Terms & Conditions page for more details.

Domestic US customers typically take 3-5 days to arrive from the time of shipping depending upon the service you choose at checkout. You will be notified in the event of a shipping delay due to backorder.

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